The self-portrait was made using only a Dollar Tree pen and based on a Chicano Tattoo style using monochromatic colors with detailed shading. Clown iconography is used a lot in Chicano culture, most specifically in gang life. The iconography of clowns represent the juxtaposition of comedy and tragedy as well as being able to laugh through tough moments which is why it's used amongst cholos and Latinos. In investigating more about Mexican-American culture, I was inspired by the cholo lifestyle that came with it, which my father was also involved in. I wanted to embrace this mentality of being able to see the good in situations and finding strength from tough times and added it into my life and portfolio. I used only a cheap pen to reference the origins of the tattoos which began in the prison system where Chicano prisoners would draw their girlfriends or wives as clowns with whatever they could get their hands on like pens and pencils.